Regarding smokables! Cannab-YES, Tobacc-NO • Get it?
Smoking 'tars' is ok ONLY after
7pm most days, OUTSIDE • Sunday & Monday are 'ok' anytime, OUTSIDE • Please use our ash-can named: "Ciggy
Town" s'cool! He's outside too
click on (and then 'bookmark') -This Week!!!! - to see what's available!!!
Venmo@karl-grossman (you'll see a little 'orange' guitar) - Venmo@karl-grossman (310.999.9275) -
Think of this: "NOBODY TO CALL", everyone just 'shows up', every week!!!!
Special "spot bookings" accepted as well! Please let us know in ADVANCE...
We are a "pay as you go facility": Venmo, check, Zelle, or cash. Venmo preferred.
Venmo@karl-grossman (you’ll see an orange guitar...) (Zelle - 310.999.9275)
PLEASE USE VENMO'S 'Type of transaction' as:
"Payments between friends."
Look CAREFULLY at this calendar to check/secure an available rehearsal time-slot, -This Week!!!!
consult your band, and contact me!
Thank You!
Karl Grossman
310-999-9275 (text/message/iPhone)
YOU TOO can practice at the - "Abalone Lounge"
schedule current as of:
2/14/2025 - 12:45 PM PST
click on (then 'bookmark') -This Week!!!! - to see what's available!!!
If you're seeing ANY false or missing calendar items that need 'attention' - please let us know - txt 310.999.9275 (310-ZZZZ-ASK)
Latest Bit: We now have an Auris Bluetooth "Receiver" that can play songs directly to our new PA
Please don't unplug the Auris unit - it has a switch - "Out" = OFF, and "In" = ON
It is 'searchable' as - bluMeHD - scroll through your Bluetooth 'devices' to sync to it! Be patient!
Both your iPhoneAND the PA Master sliders control the volume, so, not TOO loud please!...
You have to remember to push the red "Auris" button to ON, middle right, on the PA...
Talk/text (310) 999-9275 (that's - 310.ZZZZ.ASK) [We prefer texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
If any equipment needs attention (drum head, guitar
string, speaker, amp, cable, microphone, etc...), that we might not know
about - please, and ALWAYS, let us know -
click on -This Week!!!! - to see what's available!!!
Nice!!! - 4 Par-56 Can Stage-Lights - To replicate Club atmosphere!!!
Just make SURE you turn the switches off, not JUST the faders... after practice!!
Please use the drink holders!!...
Check back often, refresh the page too - things CHANGE!
"Par Cans", and the circuitry to them are Fragile! Use sparingly PLEASE.
Here's how to 'turn on' the AC Unit... One of my friends kept asking
"Where's the switches for the AC?" I would laugh and answer "there are no switches, they're barn doors!"
Thinking: I was explaining it perfectly. Not so, take a look here...:
Music Cables are NOT, I repeat NOT, ROPE, or YARN... If YOU wrap cords like rope or yarn, you'll need to:
take a TIME-OUT and/or WATCH THIS VIDEO (maybe the 'time-out's a bit harsh, but not the "watch this video" recommend...):
click on -This Week!!!! - to see what is available!!!
South Bay reheasal, rehearsal hall,
band rehearsal, South Bay band rehearsal, band practice, practice Hall,
South Bay practice hall, practice space, rehearsal space, South Bay
Rehearsal Space, Hermosa Beach rehearsal Hall, Hermosa Beach rehearsal
hall, Hermosa Beach practice hall, Hermosa Beach Practice Space,
rehearsal schedule, rehearsal Room, South Bay rehearsal Room, Hermosa
Beach rehearsal room, Practice room, South Bay practice room, Hermosa
Beach practice room, rehearsal facility, south Bay rehearsal facility,
Hermosa Beach Reherasal facility, band rehearsal, south bay band
rehearsal, Hermosa Beach band reherasal
South Bay reheasal, rehearsal
hall, band rehearsal, South Bay band rehearsal, band practice, practice
Hall, South Bay practice hall, practice space, rehearsal space, South
Bay Rehearsal Space, Hermosa Beach rehearsal Hall, Hermosa Beach
rehearsal hall, Hermosa Beach practice hall, Hermosa Beach Practice
Space, rehearsal schedule, rehearsal Room, South Bay rehearsal Room,
Hermosa Beach rehearsal room, Practice room, South Bay practice room,
Hermosa Beach practice room, rehearsal facility, south Bay rehearsal
facility, Hermosa Beach Reherasal facility, band rehearsal, south bay
band rehearsal, Hermosa Beach band reherasal
Otherwise - it is assumed you are coming, and/or paying for your time.
If you'd like to inform us that you absolutely cannot come, that's fine.
But please realize you're still required to pay.
Practice chanting, "We can't come, but we know we still have to pay!"
EMERGENCY cancellations will require a medical excuse.
Alcho-vomit, "had to work", "won Aaron Judge tix", "just joined Lyft", ex-girlfriend's wedding,
my friend got arrested, "sorry, I gelled", "just saw that; 'Ingenuity found organic matter on Mars'", just saw
Queen Elizabeth has died (though sad), had homework, etc. are NOT excuses.
'one' of your members cannot make it, that DOES NOT make it ok to
cancel on us. Look, we've been in the band 'business' over 40 years. You
can work on your vocal harmonies, work out guitar/bass interaction,
drummer/bassist issues, intros and endings, setlist ideas, new
arrangements, original song ideas... The point is, there IS alot that
can be done, just because one member cannot make it... That said, stay
in touch with ALL your people! Let's work together on 'doing the 'right
thing'... Which is, not 'bailing' on your rehearsal facility...!
No chewing the gum allowed here... !
"Abalone Lounge"
Music Focus™ - 671 Valley Drive - Hermosa Beach CA 90254
No Lock Out Bookings - We sometimes get
questions/requests regarding full time lockout bookings. As of now we DO
NOT offer lock out bookings. We do offer 'subscription' bookings month
to month. But, the calendar link can tell you more details about days
and availability. We also DO offer limited (weekends not incuded)
daytime single 'drummer' hourly rates - Give us a message or text!
Please scour around our rehearsal 'page' for more details..! We look
forward to meeting your needs, we have it together, give us a
call/email/text... Calendar link - (310) 999-9275, if you need my email:
please text me 310-999-9275, or
NEW "Pork Pie" Snare - 14" (we have multiple snare drums, even a 'piccolo)
Tom small - 10"
Tom Large (floor) - 15"
Tom Large (floor) - 16"
Bass Drum - 22" (this thing is BIG)
Hi Hat cymbals - 14"
Cymbals - 3 "B-grade" cymbals. . We strongly encourage you to bring your own "A-grade" cymbals!
Bass Drum pedal - one "B grade" single kick pedal. We strongly encourage you to bring your own "A-grade" BDP!
The drum set is normally stationed over in the
‘sidebar’ (instead of the "middle") because we never know when a drummer
might like to bring in
their OWN kit (quite natural I think) and set IT up in the "middle", without moving ‘our’ set too… get me?
allow enough time near the end of your rehearsal, to MOVE IT BACK, get
IF YOU BREAK A DRUM HEAD, or something comes 'undone',
please LET US KNOW CALL/TEXT/MSG 310.9999.275 (or 310.ZZZZ.ASK). It
happens, you're not
'in trouble' just LET US KNOW. We have little orange drum-people who come fix things in the night, see... HINT: by NOT calling us, we can somewhat assume
you might know "how it happened"... Riiiight?
BASS DRUM Pedal - We supply a B grade bass drum pedal.
Front line cymbals - We do supply 3 B-grade cymbals.
Your own sticks - WE DO HAVE "VADER - 5A drumstick" SETS FOR SALE ($10)
Your own drum key - WE DO NOT SUPPLY DRUM KEYS
If you DO bring your own hi-hat cymbals - bring YOUR OWN "clutch" too.
disassembled - our clutch/top-hat assembly is literally glued together,
it cannot be re-purposed!!
If you don't know what a "clutch" is, just use our hi-hat as is.
Drummers, if you DO use our cymbals, Please DO NOT slam our cymbal edges with your stick shanks.
Cymbals will break if you do that. If you must slam the cymbal 'edges' with the stick shaft, PLEASE bring your OWN cymbals.
MOST of our cymbals are already broken, cymbals break, that's their job!
If you DO plan to use your OWN drum kit, KINDLY, NICELY, set ours aside. Nicely, nicely, did I mention nicely?
PLEASE KEEP OUR drum-kit nicely available for the next person!
Bass amp - New - Hartke LX5500 500 Watt head w/ Cerwin Vega cabinet -
NEW, we now have a Cerwin Vega B-36 monster reverse loaded 18" reflex horn cabinet... Donated by
little purple bass-men - yes, friends of the little orange drum folk! ("bass-men" are stout, with thick legs...)
BASSISTS - Please:
IF YOU PLAY CRAZY LOUD and/or use that wild, new, CRAZY, SLAPPIN' 'n' POPPIN'
Guitars - We have many guitars for use. Acoustic (no electronics), SG, Stratocaster, Telecaster, and a Bass. They're
all decent replicas of standard classic rock guitars. Please plan to bring a "good" regular guitar cord. Please
do NOT bring a crappy molded plastic CostCo guitar cord (sorry CostCo, I do like your cashews)...
A bad guitar cord will break, sound terrible and possibly mess with our guitar amps, which you'll be responsible for.
IF you don't stress relieve (put the cord behind the strap)
while you play, you'll most likely - 1) embarrass yourself by unplugging
your guitar as you play your solo... 2) BREAK your/our guitar jack causing personal embarrassment and monetary embarrassment.
3) If you'd like to hear about MY embarrassing "cord unpluggage" moment on stage at the Troubadour in 1977, let me know, happy to oblidge!
Guitar amp 1 - Randall - 4x12" stack with Head - 100 watt with reverb. House amp #1
Guitar amp 3 - Roland JC-60 - 1x12" 60 watt with reverb.
More special guitar/acoustic/keyboard amps are available, but might increase your 'rent charge.' Please ask!
Keyboard amp 4 - 2x12" nice amp! (Sorry, no actual keyboard, it broke, that's it...)
GUITARISTS - Please: If you play CRAZY LOUD, or detune like - all the way--- Bring YOUR OWN AMP.
This is a rehearsal hall, not a concert hall. Have fun, but use intelligence too!
PA System - New - Behringer Xenyx X1832USB USB mixer, 14 Channel mixer w/ EFX,
6 XLR mic pre's (Phantom Power available), running into a QSC Audio
USA 850 Power amp (stereo), through TOA 380SE speakers (3 way).
or Drumming Machines, no keyboards, no guitars, no basses, allowed into the PA, I repeat...). (See RULES)
If you're used to plugging all that kind of stuff into
"YOUR" PA, or "the Club's" PA, that's fine, but your're here to to use
Monitors - We offer 3
Behringer 12" powered floor monitors. But, since the "Mains" are set
into the ceiling FACING you, the monitors are NOT set up in the room
Please ask for permission and to get checked out on using these. They need power chords and to be daisy chaned together...
Our PA is ceiling-hung and facing YOU so many performers opt out of needing monitors. Though, some like the floor monitors as
it is more in line with what an actual club offers. The house P.A. system is set up in a ceiling level 'playback' configuration,
so it well serves monitoring, however, monitors will enhance your vocal presence in our room. Let us know, again
there might be an increase ($25 usually) charge to have full monitors set-up. But you will get a 'tech' person for that
payment that will help with all amps and P.A. - actually a really great deal. Let Us Know...
Here's the deal about the PA - When you turn on the PA for the rehearsal, you WILL hear a small (FAN) motor
start up and a VERY slight hum, almost inaudible. BUT... After you're done rehearsing, YOU WILL NOT HEAR
Microphones - We have 4 Shure SM-58 pro-grade mics, 4 cords (all color coordinated) and 4 stands.
Wrap up the cords and put the mics back, PLEASE. They go on the little color coded cord dowls... Right under the PA station!
Also, don't wrap the mic cords really tight, NOT like
yarn balls, or rope. • [SEE TUTORIAL YOUTUBE VIDEO ABOVE] •
There is a cord wrapping YouTube tutorial listed above... If you don't know how to properly wrap cords, or don't have any idea
what we're even talking about, you NEED to watch it! STRONGLY URGE YOU TO BRING YOUR OWN VOCAL MIC, FOR OBVIOUS REASONS!
OVER/UNDER/OVER/UNDER - "Yes Daniel'san, you wrap like Karate!"
New! - There is an Auris bluetooth audio playback system connected to our PA system.
It is searchable on your mobile device as - blueMe HD - just enable it. PLEASE not too, TOO loud!!
(Your device's audio will control the PA's volume playback.)
Percussion Instruments - ARE FOR HANDS ONLY Conga drums by Toca Congas "Player's Series".
CONGAS ARE OK TO USE. Same situation with the bongos. YOU might think and like to play these types of instruments
with your sticks, but that's because you've never been 'schooled' by a really good conga player
who will heap wrath upon you if you use 'sticks' on hand drum heads... If you diasagree, bring your own hand drums! Simple.
DO NOT use drum sticks on these drums, you'll break the heads.
Hand drums are for HANDS only - Thank You!!
(Hint 1: tape your fingers up with duct tape if you want to guard against "finger splits"!)
(Hint 2: If you'd LIKE to use sticks on hand drums, PLEASE bring [and probably ruin,] your own hand drums)
Music Stands (what are THOSE things for... ?) We usually supply 2/3 (let us know if you're needing more)
(Some) Studio equipment - Music Focus is a full fledged RECORDING FACILITY - And, as such
from time to time you might see, and actually be able to use, some of this equipment, however since the studio is an ongoing
concern, we might have to actually take some of our equipment for a mobil performance, or use it in our control room,
and/or do inventory type assessments of said equipment. We're not 'denying' you access to
our equipment, it's just the ongoing nature
of our recording facility. You are renting a "rehearsal hall", and as
such, it has everything
you need to use for "rehearsing". If you ARE coming in and 'RECORDING', paying regular REHEASAL rates, then it's assumed
you're bringing EVERYTHING you need to record (and we know, that can be a lot of stuff!). So please don't come and 'wonder'
what happened to the 'house' recording gear, or all the extra "XLR cords"? If you'd like to u$e (hint hint, "rent") $ome of
our recording equipment, plea$e let u$ know in advance, it might ju$t be po$$ible...
Keyboard Stand
Small Refrigerator, Microwave (please don't 'turn-off' the multi-box that powers the Fridge, ok?)
If you book, it's assumed you've read the RULES!!!!
Music Focus™ "Abalone Lounge" rehearsal rates are as follows:
1 hour - $33.ºº (example. 5-6pm)
2 hours - $44.ºº (ex. 6-8pm)
3 hours - $55.ºº (ex. 6-9pm) [**best value**]
4 hours - $66.ºº (ex. 4-8pm)
5 hours - $77.ºº (ex. 11a-4pm)
6 hours - $88.ºº (ex. 3-9pm)
7 hours - $99.ºº (ex. 3-10pm)
8 hours - $110ºº (ex. 2-10pm) (or $111 if you want to stay hip! Etc. until, well, a lot)
Do I like consecutive numerology? - you bet!
This is a "pay as you
play" facility, - CASH & VENMO - ("venmo@karl-grossman" you'll see
an orange guitar) (310.999.9275)...
PLEASE USE VENMO'S 'Type of transaction':
"Payments between friends"
- if you book, it is assumed, you will
pay on the day you play, no exceptions - cash payment, use "mini" pay envelopes!
Just put your name and date, or your "band-name" and date
on the envelope and pop it in the box!
If there IS a NAME on an envelope, just scratch it out and write YOUR band name!
Your cash receipts are on file - if you did not obtain it, please just ask...
Make Checks payable to "Music Focus", your cancelled check is your recept
We don't write out receipts for checks, just cash...
Remember - we shut down at midnight - no exceptions - H.B. Ordinance
There is now a 4 day "lock down" confirmation time zone.
This is a "pay as you play" facility, if you book,
you agree to pay on the day you booked.
Booking is a commitment. Not a flimsy whim!
"Booking is a commitment, not a flimsy whim"! (add "Brogue-Scot" accent here, if you like…).
If YOU book, it's assumed YOU are coming with the funds for THAT booking (rehearsal $'s 1st, beer $'s 2nd).
Booking the room and paying for the room are the resposibility of the same person.
We can't and do NOT know your inner-band workings. PLEASE don't make
us lock you out of future possible bookings because of unpaid balances.
If you HAVE to cancel, Talk/TEXT or email 4 days before your scheduled appointment!!!!
Talk/Text (310) 999-9275 (310.ZZZZ.ASK) [We prefer texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
Otherwise - it is assumed you are coming, and/or paying for your time.
If you cancel less than 4 days before your gig, you NEED to pay a $25 'my-bad' fee.
You NEED to inform us if you absolutely cannot come even when you need to pay.
We schedule maintanance on 'off-booked' times and can offer upgrades to your studio experience.
Practice saying: "We can't come, but we know we still have to pay!" (use "annoyed tweener" inflection here, if you like...)
EMERGENCY cancellations will require a medical excuse.
"Alcho-vomit", "had to work", "had Ed Sheeran looping master class tickets", "my mom's toilet finally started working",
"couldn't get a ride", "had to read Stormy Daniels' lawyer's newest tweet", "sorry, I got delayed looking at Cassinni photos",
had scary dream about "The Large Hadron Collider and having to modify Wikipedia's 'Big Bang' entry",
etc. are NOT legit cancellations, they're 'flimsy whims'!
'one' of your members cannot make it, that does NOT make it ok to
cancel on us. Look, we've been in the band 'business' over 40 years. You
can work on your vocal harmonies, work out guitar/bass interaction,
drummer/bassist issues, intros and endings, setlist ideas, new
arrangements, original song ideas... The point is, there IS alot that
can be done, just because one member cannot make it... That said, stay
in touch with ALL your people! Let's work together on 'doing the 'right
thing'... Which is, not 'bailing' on your rehearsal facility...! THANK
No chewing the gum allowed here... !
NO GUM CHEWING ALLOWED (yes, just like 'downtown' Disney)
Managers, agents, and/or record companies:
Unfortunately, we cannot offer you, or your clients, any sort of "credit" or "tab" account.
All bands/bookers must pay as they play. No exceptions.
Make checks payable to: "Music Focus".
Thank you.
310.999.9275 [We prefer texting, it's faster...], -if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
Music Focus™ wants your jam to go smoothly and professionally
Room Rental Policy (The Rules!!!)
Welcome to The "Abalone Lounge" / Music Focus™ rehearsal / training /practice hall!
Thank you for choosing our facility to enhance and further your progress.
We commit to bringing you a working, clean, private facility.
Newest New, very New Rule -
Pack Down!!!!
When you get near your 'end-time' for your booked time-frame,
you MUST start your pack down with enough time to get your equipment,
personal items, extra bags, cases, clothing, food containers, and basic itmes; OUT of the room -
Taking the time and before "end-time" "RESET" our room so the mic cables are tucked back under the PA, microphones nicely
popped into their mic holder apparatus above the PA,
guitar/bass/keyboard amps are neatly against the walls, mic stands are
neatly against a wall.
PLEASE do NOT leave items:
"In the middle of the space" undone or in any dangerous
position. Leave it how YOU would want to come into the space, nice and
READY, FOR THE NEXT Band/Person to get THEIR positioning correct for THEIR rehearsal, or performance practice...
The thought and energy you put into this type of "attention to
detail" at OUR facility, VERY closely resembles the attention you will
when you actually play in public. Perhaps, at the
establishment that you want to make a good impression on. A club that
sees a very well oiled band both getting in and onstage,
as well as getting off and away after their performance is a band that's going to get hired BACK!
VERY ,VERY, VERY MUCH apprciated!!!!
The BIGGEST RULE OF ALL - Close both outer doors when you are sound checking and/or playing.
Lock both doors
Please "sound check" with the doors closed. Respect our neighbors.
Yes, just like Disneyland...
NEWEST RULE - Anything you bring in here needs to be labeled with your name on it!!!
How could we possibly know that "those were your sunglasses", if not labeled?
You'd be surprised what's been left here (weirdest thing listed at end of section)...
ALSO - When you book, you're NOT booking a maid service to clean up after you.
YOU clean up your mess. If you have beer cans and chip wrappers,
guage enough time to clear it all up BEFORE your time ends.
Read all the posted sign, try to "follow the rules". If you BOOK, it's assumed you've read the rules!!!!
We want you to have fun, but to also respect this place.
A LOT of great bands have recorded and rehearsed in this room... Maybe you'll be one too!
1. Please - no instruments through the P.A. The P.A. is intended for singing-vocal microphones only.
If you intend to amplify guitars, bass guitars, drum mics, drum machines, drum triggers, samples,
sequencers, keyboards or anything else - please supply your OWN special amplifier or P.A. system.
UNFORTUNATELY - we don't allow mics on drumsets, or any drum-triggers in our P.A.
The P.A. and adjoining microphones, mic stands & cords, drum set, bass, and guitar
amplifiers are all available to use for singing!- See -EQUIPMENT.
Other gear may be used only by specific permission with possible additional rates
(guitars, electric piano, acoustic guitar amps, special PRO-electric guitar amps, etc.)
2. There are many other bands rehearsing here, please pack out your gear!
We CANNOT insure or magically guarantee the safety of unlabelled equipment or personal items left in this studio.
Best idea, if you value it, don't leave it. If you think you've left an item, CALL US! Don't call after 3 weeks,
and wonder; "Did you happen to see my cowbell, I left it there last month?" (for real, it happened...).
Sorry... DO speak up if you have a valid concern though...
Calling/Texting or emailing is the absolute best way to let us know to look out for something you left by accident.
(310.9999.275 or 310.ZZZZ.ASK) - if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
The longer you wait, the LESS likely we'll be able to help.
DO NOT leave equipment here, or stay set-up, UNLESS you get specific 'time/date' permission to do so...
This is a facility for recording and rehearsal, it's not a concert hall, or play-pen for dodgy behavior.
Also keep your guests to a minimum. No full blown parties without permission... THANKS...
4. Photo shoots, special/social events and/or video "shoots" may require extra payment.
Please let us know in advance if you plan to use our facility for your event.
5. Pay the pay box in between the studio doors, checks do NOT need envelopes, Venmo is "@karl-grossman" (310.999.9275):
Please use our new "mini" pay envelopes! Just put your name or band-name
on the envelope and pop it in the box!
It's pretty simple - Bands with an unpaid "balance" can't book
again until they've settled up. No Popeye's Wimpy saying -
"I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a rehearsal today". Sorry, no tabs!
No "partial payments" will be accepted. Partial payments are
not counted and will be returned to you. Only full payments are accepted.
Your priority to book is actually based on the past result of your respecting this
agreement, respect of the facility, and payment in full. Like a punk song, simple, but powerful!
Practice saying "Venmo, venmo venmo"... 99% of our bands are respectful and this is not even an issue... Thank you!!! Peace!!
6. Please realize that if you book from,
say, 2-5pm you must be fully packed OUT at 5p !! It does NOT mean you
can play until 5p then leasurely pack up and leave...
In my experiece you need to allow approx 8 to 10 minutes MORE
than YOU think to pack, clean-up, and load out (see rule 7.). Wurd - we
WILL find out if you've been cutting into the "next band's" time... If
someone's consistantly abusing YOUR "entrance" time, just let us know...
7. Please run a FINAL CHECK before you leave:
· Put the microphones back.
· Wrap and hang up microphone cords
- please see 'tutorial' (above) how to wrap cords if YOU'RE challenged!
* Pay the box?
· Make sure the P.A. is OFF.
· Pick up your trash and deposit in trash cans or even better, empty it in the DUMPSTER...
(conveniently - right outside!)...
That means, earplugs, beer bottle caps (can't be vacuumed up), chip bags, broken picks,
broken strings (they break the vacuum belt), etc, etc, etc.... And please don't leave your half full
beer bottle/cans laying around DRINK 'EM OR DRAIN 'EM.... Be warriors! Drink the brew all the way down and
slam it in the trash can, spud!! But, watch out for John E. Law - you've been warned. THANKS.
· Take your goods! Ever hear the term "stupid check"? All pros know the term, because we've ALL been stupid at least once!
• Drummers, if you 'take your wallet
out of your back pocket", REMEMBER to retrieve it! JUST found a wallet
and got it back to a thankful drummer!
8. Last rule, our best and most fun rule... Jam well people, yes, jam WELL!!!!
The Music Focus™ 'Boy Scout' policy is now in effect! ...
...And it goes something like this:
Leave it cleaner than when you came
Ok, yes, one time someone left a little vial of "spirit gum" here.
Know what "spirit gum" is used for? Yes, it's used to put on fake
mustaches and beards in Broadway musicals. Strange, no one called about it. Seen it all...
Otherwise - it is assumed you are coming, and/or paying for your time.
If you'd like to inform us that you absolutely cannot come, that's fine.
But please realize you're still required to pay.
Practice saying, "We can't come, but we know we still have to pay!"
EMERGENCY cancellations will require a medical excuse.
Alcho-vomit, "had to work on speech", "had Big Jerks tickets", "couldn't get an Uber",
"my dad's new wife's semi-truck got 'jacked'",
"found out Kim Jong Un might get a special 'new' hair-cut!",
"Only had 1/2 hour to bid on a Don Drysdale jersey on e-Bay",
"sorry, I spaced", "had to work on 'Gravity Wave Thesis' or, "Higgs Bosun Theory" (though cool...), etc. are NOT excuses.
'one' of your members cannot make it, that DOES NOT make it ok to
cancel on us. Look, we've been in the band 'business' over 40 years. You
can work on your vocal harmonies, work out guitar/bass interaction,
drummer/bassist issues, intros and endings, setlist ideas, new
arrangements, original song ideas... The point is, there IS alot that
can be done, just because one member cannot make it... That said, stay
in touch with ALL your people! Let's work together on 'doing the 'right
thing'... Which is, not 'bailing' on your rehearsal facility...! THANK
If you BOOK, it's assumed you've read the rules and watched the "Walk-Through", and/or "cord-wrapping" tutorials (above)!!!!
After you've checked the availability of a time -
Please check with your people before calling/texting or e-mailing. You must Talk/TEXT 310-9999.275 (310.ZZZZ.ASK) [We prefer texting, it's faster...].
To actually book: Use: Talk/TEXT 310.999.9275 [We prefer
texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me
310-999-9275. Include your real name and best PHONE (Textable CELL
PHONE IF POSSIBLE) numbers, I can usually send you a "contact-pin" with
address and all info regarding the directions for GPS based phones
(iPhone etc.). We accept cash (we keep your receipt on file), check
(payable to Music Focus), Venmo@karl-grossman - you'll see an "ORANGE" guitar...) (310.999.9275)
PLEASE USE VENMO'S 'Type of transaction':
"Payments between friends"
can't post any names that someone already
owns (Like "Beatles"). Try to let me know the actual calendar days/dates
so I can qucikly assess the upmost availabilities for the room(s).. We
take your requests in the order received. Tell me 'who you are' if you
think I might not remember... YOUR BOOKING IS A REQUEST, IT'S NOT A DONE
Try to stick to "whole" hour times (not 4:25-6:05 say!!)
Subscription bands
: If you do not see an item on the calendar as we move forward let us know -
It's up to YOU to make sure the calendar is correct from month to month...
If there needs to be calendar adjustments you must text or email immediately!
There are other bands always wanting to book. Respect, respect, r-e-s-p-e-c-t
the times shown. Get in and out ON TIME.
Just because YOU started late DOES NOT mean
you get to go OVERTIME into someone else's slot...
This is REGARDLESS of how 'badly' you need to rehearse.
If you do this type of bullying, you will NOT be welcome back...
We WILL find out about it, believe it!
You NEED to watch your exit routine, and plan early, to pack down...! Actually, planning on your "exit" time is
part of playing a real gig too, people. Clubs and showcases require you to watch your time.
Think of your rehearsal like that, like a little showcase... Sound good?
The club does NOT want to hear your BIG "last song" ordeal, if it's going to sling into an 'over-time' scenario.
You actually need to end playing 'early' - I know it sounds strange that they'd actually NOT want to hear your
carefully planned, massive ending song that pushes the clock... But it's true, respect the clock, RESPECT the CLOCK...!
This schedule "may" not reflect calendar items
that have yet to be posted or updated.
Please be patient and/or book reasonably far ahead...
Managers and/or record companies: Currently we offer no
"special account" for you.
All bands must pay as they play. Thank you!
There is now a 4 day "lock down" confirmation time zone.
This is a "pay as you play" facility, if you book,
you agree to pay on the day you booked.
Booking is a commitment.
Don't book, then cancel on a whim.
Booking is a commitment, not a filmy "hope."
If you HAVE to cancel, CALL/TEXT or email 4 days before your scheduled appointment!!!!
Talk/Text (310) 999-9275 (310.ZZZZ.ASK) [We prefer texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
Otherwise - it is assumed you are coming, and/or paying for your time.
If you'd like to inform us that you absolutely cannot come, that's fine.
But please realize you're still required to pay.
Practice saying, "We can't come, but we know we still have to pay!"
EMERGENCY cancellations will require a medical excuse.
Alcho-spew, "had to work", "had Dua Lipa tickets",
"broke my teeth on Dirk Nowitzki's elbow" (ok, well, that MIGHT count as an excuse...), "couldn't get a Lyft ride",
"girlfriend's cat's birthday", "Lollipop Guild munchkin Jerry Maren passed away", "had to research nutrino anti-matter matters", etc. are NOT excuses.
'one' of your members cannot make it, that DOES NOT make it ok to
cancel on us. Look, we've been in the band 'business' over 40 years. You
can work on your vocal harmonies, work out guitar/bass interaction,
drummer/bassist issues, intros and endings, setlist ideas, new
arrangements, original song ideas... The point is, there IS alot that
can be done, just because one member cannot make it... That said, stay
in touch with ALL your people! Let's work together on 'doing the 'right
thing'... Which is, not 'bailing' on your rehearsal facility...! THANK
You must call/text or email and further identify your item - 310.9999.275 (310.ZZZZ.ASK) [We prefer texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
Items left more than a month are on "probabtion" - TAKE YOUR STUFF!
Or, "YOUR STUFF is destined for the trash, or e-Bay...!
310.999.9275 [We prefer texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
There is now a 4 day "lock down" confirmation time zone.
Booking is a commitment.
If you HAVE to cancel, CALL/TEXT or email 4 days before your scheduled appointment!!!!
Talk/Text (310) 999-9275 (310.ZZZZ.ASK) [We prefer texting, it's faster...], if you need my email: please text me 310-999-9275
Otherwise - it is assumed you are coming, and/or paying for your time.
If you'd like to inform us that you absolutely cannot come, that's fine.
But please realize, you're still required to pay.
Practice saying, "We can't come, but we KNOW we still have to pay!"
EMERGENCY cancellations will require a medical excuse.
"Alcho-spuzz", "had to work", "had Kings tickets", "couldn't get a ride",
"my ex-wife smashed in my Caddy's window to try to 'free' me", "my friend's ex's birthday",
to tell my friend T.O. declined HOF invite", "sorry, I thought someone
texted you", "mistakenly bought a sack of wet sheep wool instead of
Purple Cush", etc. are NOT excuses.
It's almost impossible to book days that have been pre-booked.
Make sure ALL your people, and YOU, are coming! THANK YOU!!!
'one' of your members cannot make it, that DOES NOT make it ok to
cancel on us. Look, we've been in the band 'business' over 40 years. You
can work on your vocal harmonies, work out guitar/bass interaction,
drummer/bassist issues, intros and endings, setlist ideas, new
arrangements, original song ideas... The point is, there IS alot that
can be done, just because one member cannot make it... That said, stay
in touch with ALL your people! Let's work together on 'doing the 'right
thing'... Which is, not 'bailing' on your rehearsal facility...! THANK
No chewing the gum or "tars" allowed inside here... !